That sale has now closed. Effective 1 December 2022, the abrasives activities in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and Finland, including all 43 employees, will transfer to EP Power Minerals.
Sibelco’s strategy prioritises global leadership in silica sand and regional leadership in clays, feldspathic minerals, olivine, and glass recycling. This transaction provides further focus for Sibelco’s portfolio and will enable the abrasives activities to develop in a more suitable industrial environment.
About EP Power Minerals
EP Power Minerals is the European competence leader in the management of power plant by-products and blasting abrasives, along with industrial waste. With several subsidiaries and a growing international network, the group is a supplier and service provider for industry and the construction sector, providing them with high-quality building materials, blasting abrasives and industrial minerals. The company is headquartered in Dinslaken, Germany and currently employs some 160 people. Since mid-2021, EP Power Minerals has been part of Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH). EPH is a leading Central European energy group.