Sibelco delivers another strong performance despite challenging conditions across many European markets

Sibelco today posted a robust set of half year results despite tough conditions prevailing in many of the company’s European construction-related markets. Declining sales in Europe were offset by continued growth in demand in the USA (High Purity Quartz), Asia and South America. Revenue and EBITDA both rose against last year, up 2% and 26.5%, respectively. Sibelco continues to deliver on its 2025 vision and strategy, which maps out a transformational path to improve operational, commercial and financial performance, with a clear commitment to sustainability.


  • Sibelco’s RIR figure (number of recordable injuries per million hours worked) was 2.50 at the mid-year point, compared to 2.00 for the same period last year. The company has taken initiatives to address this negative trend as the company remains firmly committed to its global health and safety strategy 
  • Revenue was EUR 1,078 million, up 2.0% against last year
  • EBITDA was up 26.5% to EUR 277 million. Volumes declined in Europe compared to a still upbeat first half of 2023.  Asia, South America and North America are all on a solid growth trajectory
  • Net Result was up 36.7% against 2023, at EUR 147 million
  • FOCF down mainly due to an increase in CAPEX (Spruce Pine expansion), the higher unwinding of prepayments and anticipated tax payments on HPQ prepayments
  • ROCE up substantially against last year, due to increased profitability and the impact of the share buy back in the capital employed
  • In June Sibelco completed the acquisition of Strategic Minerals Inc, North America’s largest glass recycler with 42 sites across the US, Canada and Mexico. The acquisition positions Sibelco as a key global player in glass recycling, having already established a leading position in Europe
  • Sibelco continued to progress well with its USD 200 million project to double installed capacity at its HPQ operation in Spruce Pine (USA)
  • Following a conditional voluntary public offering in February, Sibelco bought back 88.989 own shares, bringing total treasury shares to 26.44% of the total number of shares issued.  The buyback enabled the company to stabilise its longer-term shareholding whilst focusing on the ongoing delivery of its Sibelco 2025 strategy 
  • On July 17th, Sibelco successfully issued a benchmark EUR 500 million six-year Eurobond

Read the full release

Commenting on the results, Sibelco CEO Hilmar Rode said:

“Sibelco delivered a strong performance over the first half of 2024, particularly in North America where our High Purity Quartz business continues to grow. The acquisition of Strategic Minerals Inc. significantly strengthens and expands our footprint in this region as we build a resilient key mineral platform at scale and establish a global leadership position in glass recycling. Whilst we delivered a solid performance in Europe, conditions across the region remain very challenging. We expect H1 trends to continue into H2, with no significant improvement in European markets. HPQ development is expected to slow down as PV segment overcapacity absorbed. The 2024 EBITDA is now expected to be below the previous EUR 630 million guidance but still substantially above the 2023 level (EUR 414 million).”

Hilmar Rode

Sibelco CEO
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