Mr. Pierre Nothomb, Master in Applied Economic Sciences (UCL Louvain-la-Neuve), joined Deminor 32 years ago at its foundation. He has several mandates as director of companies or associations, including Immobel, ULB Foundation, Build UP, the FIIS Kimbal, Imperbel-Derbigum, Epsylon. He is also non-active Chairman of the Deminor companies and member of the advisory committee of DIMFunds (with DegroofPetercam Manco). He is chairman of the audit committee of Immobel and of the psychiatric care network La Ramée - Fond’Roy. In addition, he is a certified mediator in civil and commercial matters since 2022. Before joining Deminor in 1991, he worked as a senior auditor at Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers), and subsequently as a financial consultant at Petercam Securities. He was also director of ForSettlement (Fortis), member of the audit committee of Sabam and CEO of toy retailer Christiaensen International. Mr. Nothomb exercises the current Sibelco Board mandate as a permanent representative of Pierre Nothomb SRL.